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Mac Installation

Now that you have Docker set up for Airbyte, you can proceed to installation. We recommend that Mac users use brew if it is available. This way, you can install abctl using the following commands:

brew tap airbytehq/tap
brew install abctl

An alternate approach for Mac users not using brew is to download the latest version of abctl from the releases page and run the following command:

./abctl local install

If you didn't use brew to install, you may need to use the finder and Open With > Terminal to run the abctl command. After this, you should be able to run the command from the terminal. Airbyte suggests mac users to use brew if it is available.

  • Your browser should open to the Airbyte Application, if it does not visit http://localhost
  • A prompt will ask for a username and password. By default, the username isairbyte and the password is password. You can set these values through command line flags or environment variables. For example, to set the username and password to foo and bar respectively, you can run the following command:
./abctl local install --username foo --password bar

# Or as Environment Variables

The next time you want this local instance of Airbyte, just navigate to your installation and run the following:

  • Now you're ready to start moving some data!